Tuesday, December 20, 2011


As the upcoming Christmas weekend signals times of joy and excitement, it is only fitting and proper that we talk for a minute about the end to one of the most deadly and divisive wars that lasted over nine years and cost the United States both in blood and in millions of dollars.

The Iraq war came to an end this week. To be honest I feel a little disappointed that there was not more said in the local media and among our politicians and local leaders. This war has in one way or another found its way into every home in our nation. A controversial war by most everyone's view, this war caused permanent loss of family and also permanent physical and emotional injury to many who returned.

I just wanted to take a few minutes and tell everyone who may read this column that I am very proud and thankful to all the men and women who volunteered to go to Iraq. And yes, it was a war where no one was drafted. It was an all-volunteer effort and it worked out fantastically. I am so proud of these fine people and of this great country. I wish all these military personnel and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Long life.

Mike Payton

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