Thursday, December 22, 2011


Today I had the privilege of being with the New Boston Police, Fire and Service Departments along with Councilmen Ralph Imes and Junior Williams in traveling through New Boston helping Santa Claus pass out Christmas gifts to children.

The New Boston Police Department's Toys for Kids program marks the conclusion of the Village's annual efforts to make Christmas a great time for all of our citizens, with the annual Breakfast with Santa and Christmas Parade being held earlier this month.

I really think you would have to look hard to find many small towns that do as much for their kids and adults during the holidays as does our village. This year the Police department event was coordinated by Lt. Diane Davis. Many volunteers as well as police dispatchers and other village personnel helped in the wrapping of gifts.

As we move toward a new year I think reflection on the past year might be in order. Although some difficult times financially toward the beginning of the year caused pay cuts and layoffs, we have been able to move forward and have reinstated part of the pay cut, gave a Christmas bonus and hope to be able to give back the remaining part of the pay cut early next year. Employees who were laid off were called back if they chose to return.

We are moving forward with the Flood defense program. We have bonded over $400,000 for repair of the current flood defense system to insure the safety of our citizens as much as possible from a repeat of the tragedy of 1997.

New utility poles have replaced most of the old metal poles in the village, new park equipment has been installed and repair and replacement of basketball courts has happened.

We have had several new businesses come into our community and next year we will welcome the opening of the new high school and the Infra-Metals plant.

We had an election this year and all of the incumbents were returned to office. I think I can speak for all of us in saying thanks for the vote of confidence and we certainly hope you have been happy with what we've tried to do.

But we all know there are issues and problems facing us in the new year. Some of the problems we know about, some are yet to come forward. It is my hope that you will continue to voice your opinion both at our council meetings as well as by calling or emailing me.

Finally I want to say thank you all for supporting me the last four years and I will do my very best for all of you in the new year and beyond. I enjoy working with our great village staff and with all of you. Merry Christmas to all and I wish you a great New Year.

Mike Payton

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


As the upcoming Christmas weekend signals times of joy and excitement, it is only fitting and proper that we talk for a minute about the end to one of the most deadly and divisive wars that lasted over nine years and cost the United States both in blood and in millions of dollars.

The Iraq war came to an end this week. To be honest I feel a little disappointed that there was not more said in the local media and among our politicians and local leaders. This war has in one way or another found its way into every home in our nation. A controversial war by most everyone's view, this war caused permanent loss of family and also permanent physical and emotional injury to many who returned.

I just wanted to take a few minutes and tell everyone who may read this column that I am very proud and thankful to all the men and women who volunteered to go to Iraq. And yes, it was a war where no one was drafted. It was an all-volunteer effort and it worked out fantastically. I am so proud of these fine people and of this great country. I wish all these military personnel and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Long life.

Mike Payton

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Once again the Village of New Boston has stepped forward and provided area children and adults with a great beginning to the Christmas season.

Mayor Warren's annual Breakfast with Santa was held Saturday, December 3 in the New Boston Community Center and over 500 meals were served. Village council, police, fire and service personnel as well as local volunteers participated in this wonderful event. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus met with children in the Community Center lobby and gave free toys to each child.

Later that evening the 2nd Annual New Boston Christmas Parade was held with over 70 units participating. Glenwood High School's marching band led the way with former Fire Chief Elwood Turner serving as Grand Marshall. Entries from throughout Southern Ohio and Northern Kentucky participated including schools, churches, businesses and civic organizations.

On December 19, the New Boston Police Department's annual Christmas Toy Drive will go through the streets of New Boston giving toys to children throughout the village with Santa Claus and a variety of Police, Fire, Service and council members helping. Additionally children from throughout Scioto County will also receive toys from the event but their families will pick those packages up at the police station.

I am so proud of our employees and community for the great and tireless effort that they put into these projects each year. This year once again, the community of New Boston is stepping up to help children have a great Christmas. My thanks to all who have helped in any of the Christmas projects and I wish them all a very Merry Christmas and great New Year.

Mike Payton

Friday, November 11, 2011


This afternoon myself, along with councilmen Dan Fetty and Terry Salyers were invited to join local veterans at Applebees Restaurant in New Boston for dinner. The dinner was sponsored by Applebees and was in honor of all veterans. Our group was coordinated by Mike Bell of American Legion Post 471. It was an honor to be with these gentlemen today and I want to thank them for the invitation.

On Monday, November 14, Golden Corral in New Boston will host a dinner honoring area veterans. The Glenwood High School Band and the Oak Street and Stanton choirs will perform. Free dinners will also be given to all veterans and Mike Bell will be the keynote speaker for the event.

I was happy to learn today that the United States Senate has passed a critical piece of the President's jobs plan: two provisions to get veterans back to work - the Returning Heroes and the Wounded Warrior Tax Credits. They help get veterans back to work by giving tax credits to businesses that hire disabled veterans or unemployed vets.

I also want to personally thank all veterans who have fought for me and my family. I truly believe every day should be Veterans Day. I also thank God for the job these brave men and women have done throughout the years to preserve this great country.

Mike Payton


I was very humbled and extremely proud to be re-elected to another term as your Village Councilman.

New Boston has came a long way the past four years. It truly has been a team effort, not just with council but with all our departments.

The police department has been moving forward with drug-related arrests as well as working closely with city, state and federal law enforcement on various criminal issues. Equipment in the police department has been upgraded and all state mandated training is provided when needed.

The Fire Department has all fire hydrants in perfect working order, safety checks and tests done in a timely manner and new equipment has been added. Fire and safety inspections are done throughout the village in the various businesses on a scheduled basis.

The service department has maintained 2-day a week garbage collection, repaired sewer and road problems in a timely manner and maintained a strong presence throughout the high water periods earlier in the year. New equipment has been provided for the service department and safety standards have been greatly improved.

We continue to make improvements throughout the village with major repair and replacement of traffic light systems, utility poles, as well as improved flood defense and recreational equipment.

We have had a good four years. Yes there were problems. Layoffs, budget issues, and crime but these issues really mirror the whole nation. I look forward to the next four years with both caution and enthusiasm.

Again, thank you so much for your support. As always I promise to do my very best.

Mike Payton

Friday, October 28, 2011


This past Thursday, October 27, I had the pleasure of joining other New Boston Village Council members, the Mayor, Scioto County Commissioners and leaders from the Southern Ohio Port Authority(SOPA), Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative (SODI), and the United States Department of Energy in attending the ground breaking ceremony for the new Infra-Metals steel distribution center located at the Bob Walton Industrial Park in New Boston.

Infra-Metals is a subsidiary of Reliance Steel. In March I attended the signing of the developmental contract between Reliance Steel and the Southern Ohio Port Authority which in effect started the construction process for the $13 million steel plant.

The Department of Energy, because of recycling more than 18 million pounds of steel, was able to raise money for economic development projects and contributed $150,000 in financial assistance to SOPA for the relocation of electrical power lines at the industrial park so this project could move forward.

New Boston will be the company's seventh plant with others operating in Florida, Virginia, Maryland, Connecticut and Illinois. The New Boston plant will begin with approximately 66 employees and would like to have 100 employed when operating at full production.

It was raining and cold most of the morning, but with not only the eventual plant jobs but the many construction jobs that will be utilized throughout the process of building the facility, I thought the sun shined all day.

Mike Payton

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I want to publicly thank the Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative (SODI) for approving $150,000 in financial assistance to the Southern Ohio Port Authority (SOPA) for improvements at the Bob Walton Industrial Park in New Boston.

These funds will be used to pay for relocation of electrical power lines which is part of the site preparation needed for plant construction of Reliance Steel's Infra-Metals project.

This is the first allocation of funding to support economic development efforts in the four-county region as a result of proceeds SODI has received from the recycling of excess clean scrap metals at the Department of Energy's Piketon plant.

Reliance Steel is expected to begin construction in New Boston before the end of the year and projected to be in operation by mid 2012. The company plans to begin with approximately 66 employees and hopes to employ about 100 workers at full production. It will be a subsidiary of Reliance-Infra-Metals of Wallingford, Conn.

I would also point out that SODI is a Department of Energy recognized Community Reuse Organization. Under an agreement between DOE and SODI, non-radioactive scrap metals from the cleanup of the former uranium enrichment plant in Piketon are being transitioned to SODI for recycling with a portion of the recycling proceeds returned to the local communities to support economic growth in Scioto, Pike, Ross and Jackson counties.

Mike Payton

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I wanted to take some time and talk about Labor Day. As we all know, it is celebrated the first Monday of each September. Here in Scioto County Labor Day is marked by the annual Riverdays festival and parade.

Labor Day pays tribute to America's work force. Created by the labor movement of the late 19th century, it became a federal holiday in 1894.

As we in New Boston know, and also unfortunately other towns throughout Ohio and the U.S., organized labor has taken a beating at the hands of corporate leaders, with companies being merged, closed or moved out of the country. What is left is huge empty buildings, parking lots with grass growing through the cracked concrete and countless people on unemployment, working two or more jobs, and relocating their families all over the country.

In the past year our current governor has tried hard to strip Collective Bargaining Rights from state and county employees, effectively eliminating teacher, nurse, police, fire, and other public service unions. Salaries and benefits will be determined by the state legislature and the governor.

As the governor of Wisconsin tried to bring the American Labor Movement to a complete end in his state, our governor is now trying the same in Ohio.

Here in Scioto County, already Governor Kasich has closed the Ohio River Valley Youth Detention Center in Franklin Furnance. He has eliminated over 300 state jobs from Scioto County alone, a county that ranks in the top five in unemployment in the state.

If Senate Bill 5 is not repealed, the remaining hopes for any type of quality salaried jobs, quality benefits and decent working conditions will be thrown to the wind in Ohio. The American Labor movement will once again have taken a huge blow.

As those of us in New Boston, Scioto County, and all of Ohio enjoy this Monday, we need to remember it is a gift to all of us working people from those who worked so hard for us. I urge all
voters in New Boston, Portsmouth, Scioto County and Ohio to remember the hard work those of the late 19th century did on our behalf and lets honor them by keeping their hard work alive for future generations of American Workers. Please vote to stop Governor Kasich and stop Senate Bill 5.

Mike Payton

Monday, August 8, 2011


I had the honor this past weekend of being the keynote speaker at Daymar College's graduation ceremonies which were held at Minford High School. Both the New Boston and Jackson campus students graduated during the program.

It has become evident that Daymar College has become accepted in not just New Boston but surrounding communities as well. The Minford gym was packed Saturday afternoon and I had the pleasure of shaking hands with each of the graduates as they walked across the stage to accept their degree and move forward with their lives.

Career colleges like Daymar truly change lives one day at a time. The Daymar experience is indeed a positive opportunity for people to move forward with their lives with a quality education.

As I have said on many occasions, New Boston is extremely privileged and very proud to have a Daymar campus in our village. I know Jackson as well as Lancaster and Chillicothe must feel the same.

So to all this year's graduates of Daymar College, let me say congratulations on a job well done. I know you all will make a positive influence in your own lives and others lives as well. To the staff of Daymar, of which I am proud to be one, let me say your professionalism and integrity are unmatched anywhere and it was very apparent Saturday that you have made positive, long-lasting impressions on these graduates.

Mike Payton

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Ohio U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown is asking that funding not be cut to federal grant programs that provide millions of dollars to fire departments across Ohio.

The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives have passed a spending plan that would dramatically reduce federal funding to Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFG) and Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) programs.

According to statistics provided by Senator Brown's office, in the years 2009-2010, Scioto County received $479,972 which was divided among Portsmouth, New Boston, Wheelersburg, South Webster and McDermott. New Boston received approximately $50,00o to use for various equipment purchases.

Due to the many budget restraints our Village has been going through, grants in all operational areas are vital. I was happy to hear Senator Brown, in a letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee, requested these funds not be cut but instead be funded at the fiscal year 2011 levels of $450 million each.

I might also add that Senator Brown has pointed out the 2012 House Homeland Security Appropriations bill also imposes major cuts to both the AFG and SAFER programs. The programs are the only federal grant programs that help fund the purchase of new equipment and help offset the costs of training and the hiring of new firefighters.

I would encourage all Village citizens to write both Senator Brown at 713 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., and U.S. Representative Jean Schmidt, 2464 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. and ask them to support these vital grant programs.

Mike Payton

Sunday, June 26, 2011


With the addition of new park equipment in both Millbrook Park and Village Square Park, the Village of New Boston is continuing to keep the town clean. The Village Service Department is working hard to keep grass cut, trash pick-up kept done in a timely manner, and additional trucks are ran to alleys and other areas where old furniture and trash are illegally dumped. Recently, the service department also removed dirt, mud and high grass from areas across from the Kiwanis housing on Gallia Street and cleaned sidewalks that had previous not been visible to the eye where several empty houses are located.

Park improvements include new fencing, cleaning out of the creeks, jungle gym playground equipment and swings, and there is also going to be some additional work done on the ballfields. The park equipment came from a Community Development Block Grant for parks and recreation from the state of Ohio and administered through the Scioto County Commissioner's Office.

Also included has been the repainting of handicapped parking areas for easy accessibility to the park areas.

I might also add that various citizens are volunteering their time working for the beautification of the walking trails around the lake bottom areas and are doing a wonderful job planting flowers and shubbery.

Mike Payton

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It was great news Friday afternoon that House Bill 93, designed to regulate pain clinics throughout Ohio was signed into law.

With the countless children and adults being victim to drug abuse in New Boston and the Scioto County area it is good to see state law in place to help law enforcement combat this plague that has hit southern Ohio.

I want to also particularly commend the efforts of Joanna Krohn and the SOLACE group formed in Scioto County that provides so much inspiration and hope to families that have suffered horrific loss due the crime, violence and death that has followed illegal drug sales throughout the area.

Also I would like to express my appreciation to Lisa Roberts, RN, of the Portsmouth City Health Department, who has worked tirelessly with the Scioto County Prescription Drug Action Team to make H.B. 93 a reality.

With the recent crackdown on pain clinics in Scioto County and the implementation of H.B. 93, and well as the leadership of people like Lisa Roberts and Joanna Krohn, a major blow has impacted the drug trade in southern Ohio. But let me caution all citizens that this is only the beginning. Like any other program, it can only be as good as we the people of New Boston, Scioto County and southern Ohio make it. We must continue to work tirelessly to expose pain clinics, report drug deals and support each other through this long and dangerous battle.

Again my congratulations to all who worked so hard for the successful passage of H.B. 93. Now lets make it work!

Mike Payton

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This past week I attended a forum sponsored by OSCEA and the American Civil Liberties Union involving the privatization of Ohio's prisons.

Governor Kasich's plans from the beginning of his administration has been to eliminate state public employeees jobs in all areas, i.e. guards, teachers, fire fighters, police, etc. He has also moving toward abolishment of unions, collective bargaining, and attacking state pensions.

The governor's latest attacks have been against Ohio's prison systems, of which two, the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility and the Ohio River Valley Juvenile Detention Facility, are here in Scioto County.

At this time Ohio's governor is planning to contract out Ohio prisons to organizations such as the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) which is the nations leading private prison operator.
This organization will employee staff that will work at dramatically reduced hourly rates, few and no benefits and absolutely no protection under any collective bargaining bill.

I would point out that many states have recently began ending their contractual relationships with private prison operators as they have found the costs and risks of privatization outweigh any short-term benefits. Statistics show that Ohio's proposal of selling five prisons will only yield a short-term surge of cash as the state will eventually loose all future revenue. Studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. General Accounting Office have shown that private prisons yield little or no long-term savings.

As New Boston, Portsmouth and the remaining areas of Scioto county continue to loose community members to other areas of the state or even out of state for employment, Ohio's governor continues to destroy public employment and endanger citizens throughout the state. Please continue to write our state Representative Terry Johnson and state Senator Tom Niehaus and oppose the privatization of state prisons.

Mike Payton

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Despite rain showers throughout the day, the groundbreaking for the new New Boston Schools took place April 19 at New Boston Stadium.

It was my pleasure to attend the event and be one of the guest speakers along with State Representative Terry Johnson, Scioto County Commissioner Skip Riffe and a representative from U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown's office.

My congratulations to Superintendent Mike Staggs, the New Boston School Board and the students of New Boston on this great opportunity. As I said Tuesday morning, I was never as proud of the New Boston community as I was three years ago when the citizens put their children first and voted in the levy to move forward with the construction.

In 2008, the voters of New Boston approved a 7.61 mill levy to build a new $20 million school building on the property that was once the Sun and Funland Pool on Lakeview Avenue. The local share was $3 million and $17 million was from the Ohio School Facilities Commission.

A single school will replace Glenwood High School, which was built in 1917, and Oak Intermediate and Stanton Primary, both built in 1913. The goal is to have the new school completed in August, 2012.

I have been very privileged and honored to be part of the New Building Committee for the school and it has been my distinct pleasure to work closely with community members as well as teachers, students and administrators in this great endeavor. I look forward to be of service in any way I may be needed as we move toward the first day of school in the new facility.

Congratulations to the New Boston School district and its great teachers, administrators and students. And thanks so much to the community who indeed put its children first.

Mike Payton

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I want to congratulate Miranda Litz for being selected as Glenwood High School's Riverdays Candidate for 2011, and wish her good luck in the upcoming pageant.

Miranda, a junior at Glenwood High School, is the daughter of Darren and Shelly Litz.

The Village of New Boston is very proud to have Miranda represent not only the school but the entire community in this year's Riverdays Queen Pageant held at the Vern Riffe Center for the Arts at Shawnee State University.

Mike Payton

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Saturday afternoon, March 26, myself and some 600 people attended a community rally at Green High School voicing our objections to the closing of the Ohio River Valley Correctional Facility at Franklin Furnance.

Employees, office holders and community supporters spoke of the economic devastation to not only Franklin Furnace but much of Southern Ohio because of the recently announced decision by Ohio Governor John Kasich to close the facility by the end of the year.

Several residents of the New Boston community currently work at the ORV. The impact of this closure will cost 368 people throughout Southern Ohio their jobs. There has been no logical reason given by the governor for this closure. ORV is the most modern and secure youth facility in Ohio.

As has been pointed out to Governor Kasich in letters from community members and employees, the infrastructure of the community, the neighborhoods will decline due to families forced to relocate, vacant businesses and homes, home foreclosures and the inability to improve properties. Tax revenues will decline which will put additional strain on already stressed city, village and township budgets.

State Representative Terry Johnson appeared at the rally and highly opposed the closing. He commented that, "politics should have nothing to do with our presence today..", but with all due respect to Mr. Johnson, the Governor is going to have to prove that politics has nothing to do with this.

I urge all citizens of Scioto County to continue to write Governor Kasich's office, Representative Johnson, and all local leaders. Pressure must be kept on the governor's office to change this devastating decision for our area.

Mike Payton


I would like to congratulate New Boston native Jon Wickline who was recently honored by the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) in being awarded the Friend of Youth Award for recognition of 34 years announcing sports events for the New Boston School District.

Over the years Wickline has been the "Voice of the Tigers" for high school soccer, basketball and football (which was discontinued in 1979).

The presentation of the award came at halftime of the high school tournament basketball game between Wheelersburg and Ironton at Athens Convocation Center on the campus of Ohio University.

It has been my pleasure to know Jon Wickline for over 30 years. He has always been helpful to not only the high school sports programs but the youth leagues as well. He is a valued asset of our community and I wish him the best.

Congratulations. The honor was long-coming and well deserved.

Mike Payton

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This past Monday afternoon, councilmen Dan Fetty, Ralph Imes, Terry Salyers, Junior Williams and myself along with Mayor Warren attended the official signing of the purchase agreement between the Southern Ohio Port Authority (SOPA) and Infra-Metals to construct and operate a new $13 million dollar steel plant in New Boston.

The plant is expected to add 100 jobs to Scioto County. According to SOPA Vice-Chairman Bob Walton, Sr., the plant could break ground in 60 days and be complete 90 days after that, depending on the weather.

Based in Wallingford, Conn, Infra-Metals (a subsidary of Reliance Steel) already ships steel to locations in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, Kentucky and Michigan.

Infra-Metals will join SFI of Ohio, OSCO, and A & M Refractory in the New Boston Industrial Park.

The addition of Infra-Metals to our community is not only a major accomplishment for New Boston but for all of Scioto County and southern Ohio. A major industry locating in our area signals to other industry throughout the country that southern Ohio does have much to offer, in property, location, and trained manpower and is worthy of serious consideration for future investment.

Mike Payton

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I am always proud of all the men and women who work for the Village of New Boston. Through much criticism they come to work each day, do their jobs, dont get paid nearly what they should, and are always there when needed.

At this time I would like to offer special congratulations to the employees of the New Boston Service Department. For the last few days with the rains continuing to come down and the river continuing to rise, the service department has worked tirelessly, monitoring river's activity and staying ready to put up flood gates and operate all six pump stations if the water continued to rise. In addition local garbage pick ups and other service department routine duties were virtually uninterrupted.

So my personal thanks to Don Winters, John Whisman, Russ Horsley, Greg Law, Bob Caseman, Dean Hoover, Charles Vastine, Leonard Jackson and Steve Hamilton for their dedication to not only their jobs but the Village of New Boston as well.

Great job.

Mike Payton

Monday, February 14, 2011


It is with great pleasure that I offer my congratulations to the administration, staff and students of the Scioto County Career Technical Center for 40 years of service to our area.

In 1971, the Scioto County Joint Vocational School and Technical College opened its doors. I had the privilege of being one of it's first students and was in the first 2-year graduating class in 1973. Since that time, the school has changed its named to the Scioto County Career Technical Center and has made a major positive impact on thousands of lives.

Vocational education and training has been and will continue to be an avenue for our youth to be successful in our global economy. Among the programs currently offered are business, health care, transportation, industrial, public safety and also short-term programs in firefighter, nurse aide and phlebotomy.

Glenwood School Superintendent Mike Staggs informs me that an average of 10 students a year from the New Boston community have attended programs at the Scioto County Career Technical Center and moved forward with very productive lives.

I am very proud to have been associated with the Scioto County Career Technical Center and congratulate them on 40 years of excellent service to the students of not only New Boston but those throughout Scioto County.

Mike Payton

Thursday, January 27, 2011


It is my pleasure to congratulate two outstanding Glenwood High School students on a very impressive accomplishment.

Sara Adkins, a sophomore, and Aaron Hannah, a senior, both at Glenwood High School, have won the State Americanism and Government Test. As state winners, both students will receive a free trip to Washington D.C. this spring.

Sara is the daughter of Raymond and Sherry Adkins. Aaron is the son of Charles and Elizabeth Hannah.

I am very proud of both of these young citizens and congratulate them and their parents. They have made our school district and community very proud.

Mike Payton

Thursday, January 20, 2011


New Boston Village Council is considering banning pain clinics and synthetic THCs (and other similar products) from within the village limits.

Village Administrator Steve Hamilton presented research from other communities at our January 19 meeting detailing "Fake Marijuana" users showing up in emergency rooms with racing heart beats, extreme anxiety, and halluncinations. The substance is called K2 and is a synthetic form of marijuana. K2 is often marketed as incense and sold in packets of herbs laced with synthetic marijuana at "head shops," gas stations, convenience stores and on-line for about $30 to $40 per three-gram bag.

K2 is legal in many states including Ohio although legislation is being proposed to ban these substances.

The Village Solicitor has been asked by council to explore the legality of banning pain clinics and synthetic THCs and similar products from the village limits. What we want to do is be proactive and try to stop a problem in the village before it begins. Pain clinics throughout the area have been closing down and the feeling is these people are going to start looking for alternatives and especially those alternatives that are easy (and legal) to obtain. We do not want those alternatives to be found in our village.

My feeling is that we will most likely adopt a moratorium on pain clinics similar to the one Portsmouth City Council adopted which in effect instituted a 180-day moratorium on the issuance of any permit, license and/or authority to establish any pain clinic, pain management clinic or pain management center in New Boston. Rather than 180 days, I will support a year-long moratorium if legally possible.

Within a year, our village staff, public agencies and departments throughout the state, and the state legislature will be able to further review regulatory options, rules and streamline ordinances for these clinics.

Mike Payton