Saturday, March 13, 2010


The Village of New Boston announced this past Wednesday it has applied for over $16 million in federal money from Senator Sherrod Brown's office.

Village Administrator Steve Hamilton has explained that the Village was invited by Senator Brown's office to apply for federal funding from Fiscal Year 2011. Three million dollars is projected to rehabilitate sanitary and storm sewers in the Village. Included in this project is repairing of man holes and piping that needs to be relined. The sewer rehabilitation project is part of a program mandated by the Ohio EPA.

Also requested is $500,000 to make improvements to Millbrook Park. Included are plans that would include new baseball fields, new fencing, walking paths, tennis and basketball courts.

Flood defense is where the largest amount of money was requested. Thirteen million dollars has been requested . Over the next few weeks, engineers will be in the village inspecting the floodwalls for the Army Corps of Engineers and according to Hamilton, the village has been ordered to commission its own study, at a cost of $300,000, to prepare for federal flood defense inspections next year.

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is, according to Hamilton, mandating villages, cities and other municipalities all comply with the updating of all flood defense programs around the country.

Mike Payton