Wednesday, January 23, 2013


It was great news today to hear the announcement that the New Boston Police Department has announced it has become a participating member of the "A Child is Missing Alert Program."

The program is similar to what the state has in the Amber Alerts, but the "A Child is Missing Alert Program" places actual calls to local citizens, more than 1000 calls within 60 seconds.  The alert message will include the age of the missing person, their clothing description, and the last known time and location of where the person was seen.  The alert covers persons under the age of 21 and disabled and elderly persons, often with Alzheimers and dementia.

The standard Alert Program utilizes computer mapping and enhanced satellite imagery to select an appropriate calling area, and will call between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10:30 p.m., unless significant extenuating circumstances dictate otherwise.  Police departments also have access to 24-hour alert calls.  Unlisted phone numbers can also be entered into the database at to receive alert calls.  According the program, a child is reported missing in the United States every 40 seconds.

Getting information out to the general public in a quick and timely manner is a major factor in helping find the missing child or elderly person before they are hurt.  The more people in our area that can assist the police in going out in their neighborhood and helping to look for the person, the more likely the outcome will be successful in finding the person. 

It is good to see our police department participating in this valuable program and taking the lead in our area in helping locate missing loved ones.

Mike Payton