Friday, November 11, 2011


This afternoon myself, along with councilmen Dan Fetty and Terry Salyers were invited to join local veterans at Applebees Restaurant in New Boston for dinner. The dinner was sponsored by Applebees and was in honor of all veterans. Our group was coordinated by Mike Bell of American Legion Post 471. It was an honor to be with these gentlemen today and I want to thank them for the invitation.

On Monday, November 14, Golden Corral in New Boston will host a dinner honoring area veterans. The Glenwood High School Band and the Oak Street and Stanton choirs will perform. Free dinners will also be given to all veterans and Mike Bell will be the keynote speaker for the event.

I was happy to learn today that the United States Senate has passed a critical piece of the President's jobs plan: two provisions to get veterans back to work - the Returning Heroes and the Wounded Warrior Tax Credits. They help get veterans back to work by giving tax credits to businesses that hire disabled veterans or unemployed vets.

I also want to personally thank all veterans who have fought for me and my family. I truly believe every day should be Veterans Day. I also thank God for the job these brave men and women have done throughout the years to preserve this great country.

Mike Payton


I was very humbled and extremely proud to be re-elected to another term as your Village Councilman.

New Boston has came a long way the past four years. It truly has been a team effort, not just with council but with all our departments.

The police department has been moving forward with drug-related arrests as well as working closely with city, state and federal law enforcement on various criminal issues. Equipment in the police department has been upgraded and all state mandated training is provided when needed.

The Fire Department has all fire hydrants in perfect working order, safety checks and tests done in a timely manner and new equipment has been added. Fire and safety inspections are done throughout the village in the various businesses on a scheduled basis.

The service department has maintained 2-day a week garbage collection, repaired sewer and road problems in a timely manner and maintained a strong presence throughout the high water periods earlier in the year. New equipment has been provided for the service department and safety standards have been greatly improved.

We continue to make improvements throughout the village with major repair and replacement of traffic light systems, utility poles, as well as improved flood defense and recreational equipment.

We have had a good four years. Yes there were problems. Layoffs, budget issues, and crime but these issues really mirror the whole nation. I look forward to the next four years with both caution and enthusiasm.

Again, thank you so much for your support. As always I promise to do my very best.

Mike Payton