Sunday, May 30, 2010


The Village of New Boston paid tribute to its veterans this past Thursday, May 20, with its first, in many years, Memorial Day Celebration.

The event was held on May 20 for several reasons. First, the James Dickey Post 23 Color Guard, was booked throughout the Memorial Day weekend and this was an available date for them. Also was the fact the following evening, Friday, May 21, was Glenwood High School's graduation. The band and student body were a major part of the event so it would have been impossible to have them participate at any later date.

The guest speaker for the event was Colonel Terry Johnson. Councilman John Mills gave the opening and closing prayer. A twenty-one gun salute followed.

I would like to say I was extremely proud of the community for attending this event and a special thanks to the students of Glenwood High School, Oak Street School and the Glenwood High School Band and also students and faculty from Daymar College. Also Mayor Warren, Councilmen Dan Fetty, Ralph Imes, and employees of the Village Service, Fire and Police Departments attended and it was very much appreciated.

New Boston is very proud of all of its veterans, both living and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom in our country. This is planned to be an annual event and I was very proud to be part of this first celebration.

Mike Payton